SMI Charism
Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri is a religious family that has inherited the precious gift of the Holy Spirit’s passion and compassion that irrupted in the consciousness of our founders Mother Julia Muthoni, Mother Jusepha Wambui, Sr. Filippina Njeri and Bishop Filipo Perlo.
Every day, we are summoned by God to behold the wonders He has done for them, discern how the gift they received is continually unfolding before us and continually develop it with the personal charism that He has implanted in our hearts.

We are called to embrace the beatitude of purity, Mt:5:8 and like our founders, we understand that we must carry out the mission of the Church with attentiveness to the signs of times, “without taking into account the fatigue or fear of the wilderness and great forest”, in order to implant, spread and maintain faith among the people of God especially among women, girls and children.

In whatever ministry we undertake, we must always remember that, like our Founders and first members, we must let the spirit impassion us so we may bring our “brothers and sisters who are lying in the dark” into the light of Gospel.
Evangelical Counsels that every SMI embraces:
We vow for a life that calls us to faithfully practice consecrated celibacy, asceticism and contemplation. In this state, we are called each day to lead lives marked by purity of heart, indomitable commitment and complete self-abnegation.
- By vowing for chastity, we have “chosen to give ourselves totally to Jesus” and in renouncing marriage, we have “chosen Him alone.”
- By vowing for poverty, we have “renounced all-possessions as well as relations-out of the love” of Jesus.
- By vowing for obedience, we proclaim that, “there is nothing on this earth that could make our souls happier” than to totally surrender to His will.